Every year, new HR challenges and opportunities arise for human resource departments across the nation. Currently, unemployment is at a record low and turnover rates are skyrocketing. It is essential that human resource departments remain up-to-date when it comes to current human resource trends.

Read this article to learn about three major human resource trends of 2019.
1. Personalization
The first of the three major human resource trends is personalization. In the past, HR had emphasized a one-size-fits-all or standardization approach. HR departments traditionally used the organization’s needs as the starting point. Recently, however, the human resource trends have been shifting to an approach that focuses on the needs, capabilities, and desires of the individual.
Office design is an example of an area that stands to benefit from the personalization human resource trend. Many HR departments are taking into consideration the needs of employees when designing new offices. For example, employees who prefer working with colleagues are placed in open offices. On the other hand, employees who prefer working on their own work in a quiet room.
2. Trust
Another of the three major human resource trends is that HR departments are beginning to recognize the importance of trust and employee happiness. It is essential that employees trust the organizations they work for and have trust in the technology with which they work. Employees need to be confident that organizations are utilizing technology with their benefit in mind. Recent studies indicate that a large proportion of employees do not have much trust in their employers, managers, and coworkers.
3. Expanding the Concept of Wellness
A third human resource trend is expanding the concept of wellness. According to a survey conducted by Willis Towers Watson, 35 percent of employees who were surveyed missed up to five days of work per month due to workplace-related stress. Of the workers who have dealt with workplace-related stress, 85 percent believe that the efforts of HR to reduce workplace-related stress are fair to poor.
Americans are starting to view mental health wellness as a priority rather than a luxury. Accordingly, HR departments are beginning to recognize the importance of investing in the well-being of their employees for boosting employee engagement and facilitating a healthy workplace culture. HR departments are launching new corporate wellness programs emphasizing not just physical health, but also financial and mental health. Technology is being used to improve these programs and ensure that they are effectively helping employees be their most productive and present selves.
For more information about human resource trends of 2019, don’t hesitate to contact us here at Screening Intelligence or on Twitter @HRempScreening. You can also read our HR Trends 2018 blog post.
Disclaimer Statement: All information presented is for information purposes only and is not intended to provide professional or legal advice regarding actions to take in any situation.
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